Blog Bite: Mohawk Bend’s Elvis French Toast

— by Caroline on Crack

Mohawk Bend's Elvis French toast by Caroline on Crack

Mohawk Bend’s Elvis French toast with bananas, peanut butter syrup and bacon.

It may disappoint debaucherous diners to hear that the Elvis French toast on Mohawk Bend’s brunch menu isn’t as evil as it sounds. As with all things blessed with Elvis’ name, this brunch item is made with the King’s favorite sandwich fixings. Here it’s bananas between two pieces of French toast, a side of peanut butter syrup and garnished with a fat piece of bacon.

But before you let a million fat Elvii dance before your eyes, know that this French toast isn’t all that sweet. That peanut butter syrup isn’t over-the-top sugary like regular syrup. Personally I usually skip syrup when chowing down on French toast or pancakes, but here I found myself full-on dunking the chunks of French toast into the syrup. In fact, the dusting of powdered sugar is really the sweetest thing about the dish and even then it really didn’t come through.

The only issue I encountered with Mohawk Bend’s Elvis French toast was the lukewarm bacon. I hate cold bacon and even though this one looked beautiful, its tepid temperature almost made it jerky-like. I had no choice but to treat this beautiful piece of meat as a garnish. Ah well. Otherwise, the French toast with its banana chunks and peanut butter syrup hit the spot as a brunch dessert.

Considering that most things named after Elvis are over-the-top indulgent, this French toast is pretty manageable and, dare I say, nearly guilt-free. No sir, your teeth won’t fall off with this one nor will it pop the buttons off your pants Incredible Hulk style. So go ahead and have it all to yourself or split it with a friend at the end of the meal.

Mohawk Bend
2141 West Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90026 (map)
(213) 483-2337
Facebook: Mohawk Bend
Twitter: @MohawkLA