Sweet Prom O' Mine: '80s Prom Party at V Lounge

— by Caroline on Crack

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Drink Eat Play’s ’80s Prom last year was so much fun. Just when I thought I was over prom-themed parties, this one showed me that I was in fact not. Had a blast dancing to the very talented U2 cover band as well as to all my ’80s fave hits, checking out all the awesome flashback fashions and first and foremost, finding the perfect new wave prom gown to wear. (I wore a red layered dress with red patent leather boots. It was hawt.)

This year’s ’80s prom party has been moved to the V Lounge in Santa Monica. The Westside dance club will play host to more than 600 partiers, and admission ($30) includes prom pictures and a gift bag, which contains coupons for a free Border Grill margarita and Ciudad mojito as well as a CozmoDeck, CozmoCard, a 944 magazine and half the bags will possess $75 gift cards for Sunset Tan.

And it wouldn’t be prom without a king and queen. There will also be a contest to choose the party’s rawkin’ royalty aka the best dressed dude and dude-ette. All other participants have a chance to win raffles for prizes like a stay at the Ritz in the marina, dinner for two at Border Grille or a $500 Sunset Tan gift card.

Oh and yes, there will be a cash bar.

100% of proceeds will go to support the UCLA Cancer Center. BTW Goldstar offers tickets for $15 ($4.50 service fee).

EVENT: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 from 9pm to 2am

V Lounge
2020 Wilshire Boulevard
Santa Monica, California 90403 (map)
Tickets: $30 ($15 on Goldstar)