Cash Only Sample Sale at the Beauty Bar

— by Caroline on Crack

Flickr Shot by Zabowski

Flickr Shot by Zabowski

Ever see a bar in the light of day? Not a pretty sight. But it sure can be if there are lots of fashionable goodies for sale. The Beauty Bar in Hollywood will be hosting a cash only sample sale pre-usual-drinking hours where you can get deals off the likes of Goorin, OBEY, Akomplice, Mishka and Reason. For example Goorin hats are priced $10-$30 instead of regular $25-$100.

But remember, they only take cash. And apparently you can order cocktails after 11am. Drinking and shopping before noon? That’s hard-core.

EVENT: SATURDAY, APRIL 5 and SUNDAY, APRIL 6 from 10am to 5pm

Beauty Bar
1638 N Cahuenga Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90028 (map)
(323) 464-7676